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As Featured in The Sunday Times

Nicolas Darvas Box Trading Secrets

Success Switch

Friday, April 11, 2008

Message Removed with "help" from BB

Gone with the wind...........
Listen to the sound of the BaBy........

Thursday, April 10, 2008

No More Reports Posting......

Hello My Blog Visitor,

I have decided not to post any reports
on this blog any more.
If you wish to continue to communicate with me,
please email me at

I will only post write-up with source quoted
in future blog postings.

Thank you for visiting the blog, and
maybe enjoying the reports, but I
just can't win the BaBy, so no more reports here.

Research Report on Sihuan by Daiwa and 2 Reports on Cosco by JPM and MS

Sihuan Pharm 9 April Daiwa

Cosco 9 April MS

Cosco 9 April JPM

Important announcement coming soon.....

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


The Research Report is for your general and private
reading, and it is not a recommendation for any stock investment/trading.
There are Risk and Reward involved in stock investment/trading.
Readers should exercise caution and judgement when
making investment/trading decision from the report.
Past performance is never a good indication of Future performance.
Readers should seek the advice of professional, adviser
for any stock decision.
I will not be held responsible for any loss incurred from
stock decision from reading the research report.
Caveat Emptor!