Gone with the wind...........
Listen to the sound of the BaBy........
Search for your stock recommendation here:
Friday, April 11, 2008
Message Removed with "help" from BB
Thursday, April 10, 2008
No More Reports Posting......
Hello My Blog Visitor,
I have decided not to post any reports
on this blog any more.
If you wish to continue to communicate with me,
please email me at stocklobang@yahoo.com
I will only post write-up with source quoted
in future blog postings.
Thank you for visiting the blog, and
maybe enjoying the reports, but I
just can't win the BaBy, so no more reports here.
Research Report on Sihuan by Daiwa and 2 Reports on Cosco by JPM and MS
Sihuan Pharm 9 April Daiwa
Cosco 9 April MS
Cosco 9 April JPM
Important announcement coming soon.....
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Research Report on Ezra by GS & JPM
Ezra 9April GS
Ezra 8April JPM
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Research Report on Singtel by ML, Raffles Education by CS and Asia Plantation Stocks by BNP
Singtel 7 April ML
Raffles Education 8 April CS
Asia Plantation Stocks 7 April BNP
Monday, April 7, 2008
Research Report on Golden Agri by Nomura, China Sun Bio-chem by ML & Singapore Banks by JPM
Golden Agri 3 April Nomura
China Sun Bio-chem 3 April ML
Singapore Banks 4 April JPM
reading, and it is not a recommendation for any stock investment/trading.
There are Risk and Reward involved in stock investment/trading.
Readers should exercise caution and judgement when
making investment/trading decision from the report.
Past performance is never a good indication of Future performance.
Readers should seek the advice of professional, adviser
for any stock decision.
I will not be held responsible for any loss incurred from
stock decision from reading the research report.
Caveat Emptor!