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As Featured in The Sunday Times

Nicolas Darvas Box Trading Secrets

Success Switch

Monday, March 3, 2008

First Post!

Hi fellower investor/trader,

This Blog is setup because I saw that a lot of
investors/traders do not receive Foreign brokerage/
research house report from their broker/remisier/dealer.
The brokers might choose to send the reports to their
big-time clients and ignore the small players based on
the commission he received.

The small retailer is not investing/trading on the same
level ground with the rest, so I hope to do something
to address this issue.

I received most foreign research reports, some later,
but I should have them by the end of the trading day
the latest. I will try to upload them to the file host
asap when I received them, but sometimes it is really
beyond my control.

I am a investor/trader like the rest of you, and I
do have my own sweet time when I am not trading
or investing for that particulat day, so the research
report may be posted late.

If there is any foreign house report that you heard
of, but I never post, please email me with the covered
company and the date.

I hope that all readers will exercise their own
judgement when trading/investing any stocks,
and I wish you Good Luck & HUAT in all
your trades.

Thank You!

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The Research Report is for your general and private
reading, and it is not a recommendation for any stock investment/trading.
There are Risk and Reward involved in stock investment/trading.
Readers should exercise caution and judgement when
making investment/trading decision from the report.
Past performance is never a good indication of Future performance.
Readers should seek the advice of professional, adviser
for any stock decision.
I will not be held responsible for any loss incurred from
stock decision from reading the research report.
Caveat Emptor!