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Monday, March 3, 2008

Research Report - First Resources & CS Asian Daily

Ok, I have find a file hosting site, and
I have upload 2 reports for testing.

1. First Resources Initial at Buy by Citi on 29 Feb

2. CS Asian Daily 03 March

The file hosting site that I using now is,
and they required downloader to wait up to 1 min
before able to start downloading, and they will
show up adverts which maybe offensive to
the ladies. (I saw one advert while doing testing)
So sorry for that.

After the 1 min wait, there is a Download button.
You can simply right-click at the button, and "save as"
to download the file to your PC.
Or if you want to view it online, just click on
the Download button.

I welcome any better suggestion to file hosting site
or whatsoever.

No comments:


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There are Risk and Reward involved in stock investment/trading.
Readers should exercise caution and judgement when
making investment/trading decision from the report.
Past performance is never a good indication of Future performance.
Readers should seek the advice of professional, adviser
for any stock decision.
I will not be held responsible for any loss incurred from
stock decision from reading the research report.
Caveat Emptor!